About Us

We work together to provide high quality, personalised care for our patients. We offer a wide range of services and have a strong focus on health promotion.

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What is a PCN?

Primary Care Networks (PCN) are based on GP registered lists, serving communities of around 30,000 to 50,000. A PCN will bring together local health and care services to deliver a greater provision of personalised and coordinated care. 

Health Village and Dearne Valley PCN (Primary Care Network) is a collaboration between three practices – Clifton Medical Centre, Market Surgery and St Ann’s Medical Centre.  

These three practices work together with other health and care providers to improve access to health and care services and information for local people.  The aim is to deliver better health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. 

Our Core Values

Our Mission

To promote and support the health and wellbeing of the people living in our local communities.

Our Vision

Our vision is for our patients to have the best possible health outcomes and experience of care. We will achieve this by working together as an integrated primary care network, committed to continuous improvement and reducing health inequalities.